Privacy Policy

Geek Consult Online is a Online IT consultant and IT Service Provider and so we always make sure to take necessary actions in order to protect the privacy of our customers when they visit our Official website ( As you access our official website, you are giving us consent to collect your necessary data for availing our services, not only at present but for future as well. This privacy policy is about customer data collection, use of this data including your personal information, disclosure of the data and best practices followed by us to maintain privacy.

Our Privacy Policy does not include the privacy policies of third parties that we do not own or control, including but not limited to any third party websites, services, applications, online resources to which or website may link, and or any third party that you may access through the Services. We are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of those Third Party/Parties. We recommend and request you to carefully go through the privacy policies of any Third Party Services you access.

Collecting Your Personal Information

Geek Consult Online will ask your personal information as we need to identify our clients and also to contact them. The only information collected is that you provide during sign up or through our contact us form or any email you send us or over the phone in order to avail you support & service.

We maintain a strong policy for the Privacy of kids and so we don’t collect any information on our website or any means, from those whom we know are under the age of 18 years.

Use of Your Personal Information

Personal information collected on this website will be used to run the business operation for providing the service(s) or to carry out the transaction(s) you have requested or authorized.

Also we use this data for billing, service improvement, analytics, marketing and fraud detection.

Information collected on the Site may be stored and processed in the United States and India or any other country in which Geek Consult Online or its affiliates or subsidiaries maintain the facilities. So by using our website (, you are giving us consent for any such transfer of information outside of your country.


We use third party payment processing companies (“Payment Processors”) who gather and store financial data. For example, your payment method (valid credit card number, type, expiration date or other financial information), and their use and capacity of that data is represented by the Payment Processors’ pertinent terms of administration and protection strategy. Gathered billing information is utilized for the purpose of processing payments and fraud detection.


We may gather and store IP address information when you use our website or services, but we do not make this public without your consent.


To improve the Business, we may serve promotions, and third party commercials, through the different channels of marketing services. These advertisements are sometime targeted and served to specific clients. We may partner with third party agencies and share your information to display ads for the marketing purpose only.

Control of Your Personal Information

Except as otherwise described in this statement, we do not share your personal information you that you provided us.

Security of Your Personal Information

We use different process and techniques to protect the personal information of the clients. For example, limited access systems are used to store the data. Our official website ( can transmit sensitive personal information (such as a credit card number) over the Internet, as it is protected for data encryption with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.


We do not currently use cookies at this time.

Do I Have Any Choice Regarding My Information?

You can access and rectify or delete your Personal Information held by Geek Consult Online.              

To request access, changes or deletion of your Personal data, you need to write to us at

If you want to opt out from disclosing any information, even though it might be necessary to avail some of the services and features, then please email us at

Changes to This Privacy Statement

We may occasionally update this privacy statement. When we do, we will notify you either by placing a prominent notice on the home page of our website or by sending you a notification. Please review our Privacy Policy every time you visit our Site or use any of our services, for the most updated information.